This function calculates the age-specific non-carrier penetrance based on SEER baseline data, penetrances for carriers, and allele frequencies. It adjusts penetrance estimates for genetic testing by incorporating the genetic risk attributable to specified alleles.
- SEER_baseline
Numeric, the baseline penetrance derived from SEER data for the general population without considering genetic risk factors.
- alpha
Numeric, shape parameter for the Weibull distribution used to model carrier risk.
- beta
Numeric, scale parameter for the Weibull distribution used to model carrier risk.
- delta
Numeric, location parameter for the Weibull distribution used to model carrier risk.
- gamma
Numeric, scaling factor applied to the Weibull distribution to adjust carrier risk.
- af
Numeric, the allele frequency of the risk allele in the population.
- max_age
Integer, the maximum age up to which the calculations are performed.
A list containing:
- weightedCarrierRisk
Numeric vector, the weighted risk for carriers at each age based on allele frequency.
- yearlyProb
Numeric vector, the yearly probability of not getting the disease at each age.
- cumulativeProb
Numeric vector, the cumulative probability of not getting the disease up to each age.