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A dataset containing processed information about the first simulated 130 families. These families are referenced in the vigniette simulation_study.Rmd The user must specify the pedigree argument as a data frame which contains the family data (see test_fam). The family data must be in the correct format with the following columns:




A list of processed family data.


Generated for package example


  • IDA numeric value representing the unique identifier for each individual. There should be no duplicated entries.

  • SexA numeric value where 0 indicates female and 1 indicates male. Missing entries are not currently supported.

  • MotherIDA numeric value representing the unique identifier for an individual's mother.

  • FatherIDA numeric value representing the unique identifier for an individual's father.

  • isProbandA numeric value where 1 indicates the individual is a proband and 0 otherwise.

  • CurAgeA numeric value indicating the age of censoring (current age if the person is alive or age at death if the person is deceased). Allowed ages range from 1 to 94.

  • isAffA numeric value indicating the affection status of cancer, with 1 for diagnosed individuals and 0 otherwise. Missing entries are not supported.

  • AgeA numeric value indicating the age of cancer diagnosis, encoded as NA if the individual was not diagnosed. Allowed ages range from 1 to 94.

  • GenoA column for germline testing or tumor marker testing results. Positive results should be coded as 1, negative results as 0, and unknown results as NA or left empty.